New Hemperor PomeShea Moisturizer!

Rich in Anti-Oxidants, Pomegranate has long been the secret to fighting free radical and giving your skin a radiant youthful glow. Shea Butter give your skin the richest, smoothest, healthy supple skin imaginable. Hemperor infuses these 2 premium ingredients with all natural Hemp Seed Oil into one amazing daily moisturizer that delivers extreme levels of anti-aging and nutrient rich re-hydration. Perfect blends of exotic oils including Sweet Almond, Jojoba, Monoi and Tea Tree plus natural sources

Have You Tried Most Lately?

The latest release from Most tanning products is sure to make you dark! New Super Silicone Rich 50x Quantum Bronzer From Most! Embrace the absolute deepest and darkest in tanning with Absolute Black. 50x Quantum bronzers utilize the finest in rare and exotic bronzing ingredients to form an ideal shade of bronze. Your Dark color is complimented with heavenly silicones designed to leave the skin silky soft, while skin firming CoQ10 complex and fruit extracts

Bamboo: The Latest Trend In Skincare?

If you have been to a beauty shop lately you may have noticed several products that contain Bamboo or Bamboo extracts. Alterna has a very popular Bamboo hair care line while other companies are releasing products containing bamboo. One exciting new release is Body Drench’s Green Tea + Bamboo nourishing body lotion which makes a fine addition to the already popular product line. Long known for quality moisturizers, it’s no surprise that the new body

This Just In! Brown Sugar Black Aura

Brown Sugar Black Aura “World’s Darkest Tanning Lotion” is an ultra-dark lotion that eclipses tanning plateaus with new magnitudes of color via rich dark Biobronzing while Double amounts of Argan Oil of Morocco provide exalted skin conditioning for a completely radiant glow. Amazing Color The First Time! BioBronzing Natural Bronzers & DHA Infused with Max Silicones. Double Argan Oil Of Morocco. Brown Sugar Tanning Lotions

Snooki Brings The Heat

Snooki (Nicole Polizzi), arguably the world’s most famous reality TV star, even to people who’ve never watched Jersey Shore is known for her world class tan. Snooki demands the best and put a lot of thought into her first 3 tanning lotions and now has a full line of products. She has partnered with Supre Inc, one of the top tanning lotion and research companies in the business to release 3 amazing new Snooki Tanning