Dr. Mercola on Tanning Beds & Vitamin D

Do you get enough Vitamin D from the sun? Vitamin D is essential for optimal health. Dr Mercola discusses the best way to get Vitamin D and what to watch out for. Internationally renowned natural health physician and Mercola.com founder Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses tanning tips and the benefits of tanning beds and the importance of vitamin d for your health. For more information, here is a Tanning Checklist to help you maximize your tanning

Do You Use a Moisturizer for Tanners?

Tanning lotions help prepare your skin for the perfect tan however it takes time for the ingredients to work. The best action is to apply your lotion 20-30 minutes before you tan. This is not an option for many people who tan at lunch or on a schedule. Most people apply lotion just before they tan, not giving it proper time to stimulate melanin production. However, you can achieve this by applying a Moisturizer for

Vitamin D and Tanning

VITAMIN D and Tanning According to Readers Digest, September 2006: “New evidence shows that getting enough vitamin D may be the most important thing you can do for your health.” For the first time in years, scientists are coming out from behind the clouds and giving us some good news about sunlight – in the form of vitamin D. What they want you to know is this: healthy vitamin D levels are being associated with