New From Brown Sugar & Tan Asz U !

Brown Sugar is back with a full lineup of new tanning lotions, bronzers and hot bronzer to blow the doors off your tanning plateau and take you to a whole new level of bronze darkness. Here is a list of the latest. Brown Sugar Beach Kings 100X Royal Black Bronzers for perfect, dark results. 64oz, 13.5oz, Packets Black Chocolate Advanced 200X Black Bronzers are carefully crafted for your darkest tan yet. 64oz, 13.5oz, Packets Black Sensation 100X Black Bronzers with Color-Evolve give skin

No Tingle – No Bronzer – No Problem!

Do you prefer a straight tanning lotion when you tan? Do you want an accelerator that simply delivers great color without the extra bronzers, tingles, cooling, sunless etc. Perhaps you are a lunch time tanning and you don’t want to go back to work red or 2 shades darker than you left. If you want to maximize your tan without bronzers or tingles, we have some tanning tips for you. We have created a top

What Tanning Lotion To Start With?

It’s inevitable. You walk into a tanning salon for the first time, a little nervous, but you don’t want to look stupid so you are hesitant to ask to many questions. You go along with the receptionist and nod your head as it you understood every word and assume that you can figure it out later. Hopefully you have an attendant that can recognize your newbie status and walk you through the process however this

Are Your Legs as Dark as You Are?

We hear it all the time. “why aren’t my legs tanning?” It’s a constant frustration with many people. The truth is their legs are tanning but just not as dark as the rest of you. Faces and legs can lag behind when it comes to achieving a dark tan. There are many theories out there as to why this happens. It seems to be partly because your legs have always had more exposure to the sun. The